January 1, 2023 - Inauguration Day - The swearing-in ceremony for the 2023 CCBA Officers, WCDC members, CCBA Alliance members, and the representatives of the CCBA's Delegation.
January 8, 2023 - CCBA Chinese Lunar New Year Parade Press Conference at Tony Cheng's Restaurant.
March 19, 2023 - CCBA observed Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Day
April 2, 2023 - Qing Ming - CCBA visits Cedar Hill, Ft. Lincoln, and George Washington Cemeteries to pay respects.
September 2-4, 2023 - The 78th North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament hosted by CCBA was held in at the Baltimore Convention Center. It was a very successful event during the labor day weekend. Instead of having a banquet for the players, we hosted a night market in the baseball stadium at Camden Yards, home of the Baltimore Orioles. This year, 165 men and women teams from Washington, DC, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Montreal, and Toronto.
September 8, 2023 - CCBA welcomed "Sounds of Taiwan" Taiwanese Culture Goodwill Mission of the National Day. Performance by Formosa Melody Music Center. Organized by TECRO Overseas Community Affairs Council (R.O.C. Taiwan) Photos by Penny Lee
October 8, 2023 - CCBA celebrate National Day of the Republic of China at Chinatown Park
November 12, 2023 - CCBA commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. He was a Chinese revolutionary statesman, physician, and political philosopher who served as the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang. He devoted his entire life to overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and setting up the Republic of China. His achievements were recognized and admired not only by the local and overseas Chinese, but also by the global community.
Sept 18, 2023 - CCBA welcomed Mr. Magnet (Chi-Kuo) Lin from the Overseas Chinese Association HQ 華僑協會. Mr. Lin traveled to Washington, DC from Taipei to visit the local associations here in the USA. He stopped by our CCBA headquarters then proceeded to the Wah Luck Adult Day Care Center and followed by a luncheon at Chinatown Garden Restaurant in the afternoon. Mr. Lin presented scarfs to the ladies and ties to the men who did not go on the Taiwan trip earlier this year in May.
Sept 17, 2023 - Taiwan's presidential candidate Mr. Yu-ih Hou visited the CCBA headquarters and the Wah Luck Adult Day Care Center. CCBA welcomed him and the many Chinese media that has been following him during his 8-day tour in the US.
Sept 8, 2023 - CCBA hosted the Formosa Melody Music Center Performers at TECRO in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Organized by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan). This event was an early celebration for the upcoming Taiwan National Day. The performance was outstanding and well received by those who attended. Photos by Penny Lee
Sept 2, 2023 - CCBA hosted the 78th Annual North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD on Sept 2-4, 2023. This year we had the largest participation of teams and athletes in the history of NACIVT! Teams from Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, as well as teams representing Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. On Sunday night, in place of the traditional Chinese banquet, CCBA hosted a Night Market at Camden Yards which was a huge success! Everyone had a good time and enjoyed it very much.
Men's Results - Total 93 teans
First Place Champions - San Francisco Paai Kau Smash
Second Place - SF Qilin
5th Place - Washington CYC A
9th Place - Washington CYC Jrs
Women's Results - Total 72 teams
First Place Champions - SF Aim
2nd Place - Toronto Connex A
Men's Results - Total 93 teans
First Place Champions - San Francisco Paai Kau Smash
Second Place - SF Qilin
5th Place - Washington CYC A
9th Place - Washington CYC Jrs
Women's Results - Total 72 teams
First Place Champions - SF Aim
2nd Place - Toronto Connex A
June 10, 2023 - CCBA at the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Greater Washington Gala.
May 13, 2023 - CCBA at the Taiwan Benevolent Association Mother's Day Celebration Dinner at China Garden Restuarant.
May 1, 2023 - A small CCBA delegation visited Taiwan.
March 19, 2023 - A ceremony was held to commemorate the 98th Anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who was a Chinese statesman, physician, and political philosopher that served as the president of the Republic of China and the leader of Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China).
March 14, 2023 - TECRO invited CCBA to attend and celebrate the success of the 2023 Chinese Lunar New Year Parade in Chinatown. The Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao, Taiwan Representative to the United States, greeted and welcomed us to a delicious dinner. Penny Lee (CCBA Public Relations Officer) presented a video summarizing the parade and the history of the Chinese New Year parade in Washington, DC.
January 8, 2023 - Our newly elected CCBA Chairman Victor Quinto(center), First Vice-Chairman Jack Lee(right), and Second Vice-Chairman Benny Cheng(left) conducted their first meeting on 1/8 2pm. The meeting was attended by CCBA delegation representatives to discuss plans and finalizing preparations for the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year parade on January 22nd.
January 8, 2023 - CCBA held a press conference at Tony Cheng’s Restaurant in preparation for the 2023 Lunar New Year parade on Sunday, January 22nd at 2:00pm. The press conference began with introductions from Rita Lee, Parade Chief Commander. Also present at the table were Dr. Hon Yuen Wong - CCBA Parade Chief Commander, Director Ben de Guzman - DC Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA), Officer Michael Kim - DC Police Department Asian Liaison, Director Edward Kuo - TECRO, Richard Chwang - Director Customer Development for MGM, Penny Lee - CCBA Public Relations Officer and Alfred Liu - Deputy Parade Commander. Mr. Richard Chwang presented a check to CCBA on behalf of MGM. We want to Thank our two major sponsors, TECRO and MGM for their continued friendship and support. The press conference lasted about an hour with representatives from both Chinese and foreign media outlets attending.
一月八日(星期日)上午十一時的記者會在Tony Cheng海鮮大酒樓三樓舉行,記者會由李治瑞主持,伍毅文代表主辦方致詞,DC市政府市長行政辦公室亞太裔事務代表、管區警察、僑教中心主任郭大文、副主任楊佳欣、代表處領務組秘書廖文安、中華會館館務委員會主席黃浩源、MGM客戶開發總監章樂群、僑務委員劉耀聰、中華會館副主席李植強/鄭文彬、負責統計遊行隊伍的會館正外交Penny Lee、、等人,均對自己在大遊行活動負責任的部份提出說明。
農曆癸卯金兔年春節大遊行,於一月22日(大年初一)於Chinatown 下午兩點開始遊行(一點集合),三點慶典大會,五點六點分別有兩場慶祝春節聯歡晚會。
雖然,1/22春節大遊行是疫情停辦兩年後恢復舉辦的第一年,而疫情仍持續,李治瑞報告;今年的遊行隊伍目前維持在四十隊,而無論天候如何?風雪無阻。負責統計遊行隊伍以及相關連絡工作的Penny Lee則向大家報告:贊助單位、邀請貴賓以及遊行隊伍的路線圖、遊行隊伍的排列次序。
一月八日(星期日)上午十一時的記者會在Tony Cheng海鮮大酒樓三樓舉行,記者會由李治瑞主持,伍毅文代表主辦方致詞,DC市政府市長行政辦公室亞太裔事務代表、管區警察、僑教中心主任郭大文、副主任楊佳欣、代表處領務組秘書廖文安、中華會館館務委員會主席黃浩源、MGM客戶開發總監章樂群、僑務委員劉耀聰、中華會館副主席李植強/鄭文彬、負責統計遊行隊伍的會館正外交Penny Lee、、等人,均對自己在大遊行活動負責任的部份提出說明。
農曆癸卯金兔年春節大遊行,於一月22日(大年初一)於Chinatown 下午兩點開始遊行(一點集合),三點慶典大會,五點六點分別有兩場慶祝春節聯歡晚會。
雖然,1/22春節大遊行是疫情停辦兩年後恢復舉辦的第一年,而疫情仍持續,李治瑞報告;今年的遊行隊伍目前維持在四十隊,而無論天候如何?風雪無阻。負責統計遊行隊伍以及相關連絡工作的Penny Lee則向大家報告:贊助單位、邀請貴賓以及遊行隊伍的路線圖、遊行隊伍的排列次序。
January 1, 2023 - Happy New Year! Today was inauguration day for CCBA as the 2023 officers and delegations are sworn in. Also in attendance were TECRO Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao, Minister Robin Cheng, Director Edward Kuo from Culture Center and Daniel Chow Director of Consular Division. Congratulations to the 2023 Leadership Team: Victor Quinto-2023 CCBA Chairman, Jack Lee-First Deputy Chairman, Benny (Wei-Ben) Cheng-Second Deputy Chairman. Sui Chan-Treasurer, Penny Lee-Public Relations, Lily Shen-Deputy Public Relations, Martina Meng-Communications, and Wanyu Hsu-Auditor. Missing in the photos is Alice Luk-Secretary. Following the swearing-in ceremony, the celebration continued at Tony Cheng's Restaurant.