Monday, September 19, 2022 - CCBA celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Wah Luck House and the Grand Opening of the Wah Luck Adult Day Care Center. Representatives from the Mayor's office, MOAPIA, TECRO, DC Police Department, Chinese Community Church and others were in attendance.
Friday, September 16th 2022 - CCBA First Deputy Chairman Kai Fai Yee and around 25 delegates from CCBA and Wah Luck Adult Daycare Center, warmly welcomed the visiting Kuomintang (KMT) group, led by Mr. Ya-chung Chang, the president of KMT’s Sun Yat-sen School, from Republic of China (Taiwan). Mr. Chang paid tribute to Sun Yat-sen’s statue, toured the daycare center, and exchanged ideas about cross-Strait situation. CCBA First Deputy Chairman Yee then hosted a lunch with the group.
Washington DC is one of Mr. Ya-chung Chang’s important stops in his US cross country trip to visit overseas Chinese communities. The main purpose is to solicit suggestions from all relevant parties about cross-Strait peace and promote his Big Strategy about avoiding war between PRC and ROC (Taiwan).
位於中華民國台灣的中國國民黨附屬孫文學校總校長張亞中先生等一行五人於2022年9 月16日上午11時30分拜訪美京中華會館及華樂老人照護中心,由中華會館副主席余啟輝先生親率各社團、會館及照護中心幹部二十餘人接待。張先生附向孫文先生銅像鞠躬, 與活動人心的耆老致意外, 並與中華會館舉舉行簡短座談, 中午由中華會館設宴款待張先生一行人。
張亞中先生於九月初展開全美請益之旅, 將與各界溝通, 尋求台灣海峽兩岸和平。結束華府之行後將轉往新澤西繼續後續行程。
Washington DC is one of Mr. Ya-chung Chang’s important stops in his US cross country trip to visit overseas Chinese communities. The main purpose is to solicit suggestions from all relevant parties about cross-Strait peace and promote his Big Strategy about avoiding war between PRC and ROC (Taiwan).
位於中華民國台灣的中國國民黨附屬孫文學校總校長張亞中先生等一行五人於2022年9 月16日上午11時30分拜訪美京中華會館及華樂老人照護中心,由中華會館副主席余啟輝先生親率各社團、會館及照護中心幹部二十餘人接待。張先生附向孫文先生銅像鞠躬, 與活動人心的耆老致意外, 並與中華會館舉舉行簡短座談, 中午由中華會館設宴款待張先生一行人。
張亞中先生於九月初展開全美請益之旅, 將與各界溝通, 尋求台灣海峽兩岸和平。結束華府之行後將轉往新澤西繼續後續行程。
On June 5th 2022, CCBA welcomed Chairman Eric Chu and his delegation to Washington, DC. He is the leader of the Kuomintang in the Republic of China. This visit is the second leg of his itinerary to visit all the associations in the United States to show his great attachment and importance to care about the overseas Chinese communities.
CCBA Chairman Wai Man Lee and many of the CCBA delegations greeted Chairman Chu and his delegation at the newly renovated CCBA headquarter building on I Street, NW. After introductions, everyone walked over to the Wah Luck House Adult Day Care Center where Chairman Lee prepared a formal welcome to thank Chairman Chu and his delegation for visiting our city and our community.
Chairman Chu pointed out that CCBA and Kuomintang both adhere to the will of the founding father and have a naturally close connection. During this trip, he came to Washington, DC to inaugurate the representative office of the Chinese Kuomintang in the United States. In addition, he wanted to strive for continued strengthening communications with the United States, and he hope that overseas Chinese organizations will continue to support the Chinese Kuomintang and work together to defend the Republic of China.
The visit ended in a happy atmosphere of mutual exchange of souvenirs and group photos, and it also opened a new page for everyone to support and cooperate with each other in the future.
All members of the Chinese Kuomintang delegation attended the event including all the Vice-Chairs, Overseas Directors, and Representatives as well as legislators and staff. On the CCBA side, Chairman Wai Man Lee along with his two Vice-Chairs, Kai Fay Yee and Jack Lee, Chairman of WCDC, Hon Yuen Wong, Rita Lee and entire CCBA officers, as well as representatives from all 30 delegations that make up of CCBA. The event was well attended and well represented.
朱立倫主席在致詞時首先指出中華會館及中國國民黨都奉行國父遺志,都是中山先生的信徒,自然有緊密的連結。接著他以國內的政治情勢說明現在即使再艱難,都沒有國父在革命建國時艱難, 因此大家要有信心。此次他來華府為中國國民黨駐美代表處揭牌,除了加強對美國的溝通, 希望海外僑社能夠持續支持中國國民黨,為捍衛中華民國一起努力。
中國國民黨訪問團此次拜會全員到齊,除朱立倫主席外,還包含夏立言副主席、海外部陳以信主任、國際部暨駐美代表處代表黃介正主任、黃裕鈞副代表、文傳會林家興副主委、立法委員及幕僚等十餘人,充份展現對僑社的尊重。中華會館也非常重視此次的到訪,李偉文主席親率余啟輝及Jack Lee兩位副主席、中華會館社區基金會董事長黃浩源、華埠發展公司董事長李治瑞、歷任主席、副主席、會館所有職員、 旗下三十個華人社團的僑領等六十餘人共同歡迎代表團的蒞臨。
On June 5th 2022, CCBA welcomed Chairman Eric Chu and his delegation to Washington, DC. He is the leader of the Kuomintang in the Republic of China. This visit is the second leg of his itinerary to visit all the associations in the United States to show his great attachment and importance to care about the overseas Chinese communities.
CCBA Chairman Wai Man Lee and many of the CCBA delegations greeted Chairman Chu and his delegation at the newly renovated CCBA headquarter building on I Street, NW. After introductions, everyone walked over to the Wah Luck House Adult Day Care Center where Chairman Lee prepared a formal welcome to thank Chairman Chu and his delegation for visiting our city and our community.
Chairman Chu pointed out that CCBA and Kuomintang both adhere to the will of the founding father and have a naturally close connection. During this trip, he came to Washington, DC to inaugurate the representative office of the Chinese Kuomintang in the United States. In addition, he wanted to strive for continued strengthening communications with the United States, and he hope that overseas Chinese organizations will continue to support the Chinese Kuomintang and work together to defend the Republic of China.
The visit ended in a happy atmosphere of mutual exchange of souvenirs and group photos, and it also opened a new page for everyone to support and cooperate with each other in the future.
All members of the Chinese Kuomintang delegation attended the event including all the Vice-Chairs, Overseas Directors, and Representatives as well as legislators and staff. On the CCBA side, Chairman Wai Man Lee along with his two Vice-Chairs, Kai Fay Yee and Jack Lee, Chairman of WCDC, Hon Yuen Wong, Rita Lee and entire CCBA officers, as well as representatives from all 30 delegations that make up of CCBA. The event was well attended and well represented.
朱立倫主席在致詞時首先指出中華會館及中國國民黨都奉行國父遺志,都是中山先生的信徒,自然有緊密的連結。接著他以國內的政治情勢說明現在即使再艱難,都沒有國父在革命建國時艱難, 因此大家要有信心。此次他來華府為中國國民黨駐美代表處揭牌,除了加強對美國的溝通, 希望海外僑社能夠持續支持中國國民黨,為捍衛中華民國一起努力。
中國國民黨訪問團此次拜會全員到齊,除朱立倫主席外,還包含夏立言副主席、海外部陳以信主任、國際部暨駐美代表處代表黃介正主任、黃裕鈞副代表、文傳會林家興副主委、立法委員及幕僚等十餘人,充份展現對僑社的尊重。中華會館也非常重視此次的到訪,李偉文主席親率余啟輝及Jack Lee兩位副主席、中華會館社區基金會董事長黃浩源、華埠發展公司董事長李治瑞、歷任主席、副主席、會館所有職員、 旗下三十個華人社團的僑領等六十餘人共同歡迎代表團的蒞臨。
January 25, 2022 - CCBA in partnership with the Mayor's Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA) kicked off the Chinese Lunar New Year at the Wah Luck House in Chinatown. CCBA Chairman Wai Man Lee, MOAPIA Director Ben de Guzman, along with Tecro Deputy Representative Robin Cheng and the DC Police Chief Robert Contee, III joined in the festivities.
January 25, 2022 - CCBA in partnership with the Mayor's Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA) kicked off the Chinese Lunar New Year at the Wah Luck House in Chinatown. CCBA Chairman Wai Man Lee, MOAPIA Director Ben de Guzman, along with Tecro Deputy Representative Robin Cheng and the DC Police Chief Robert Contee, III joined in the festivities.
Wah Luck Adult Day Care Center during the Lunar New Year festivities. The staff performed a dance routine and the Wah Luck seniors are enjoying time together at the center.